Hello World!

See, that was easy!

I'm paying for the hosting of this site for about 4 years now. Back then I figured that maintaining my own, custom built website was too much of a hassle. And I thought it was also the main reason that kept me from blogging.
lol, right?

Well, fast forward to today. I switched the theme of this site about 2 time now, but there's still not a single blog post finished and published here.
Guess it's time to face the facts. While the platform I'm using - ghost.org! Check it out, it's great, I love it. I haven't used it much, but still, trust me? Anyway, they have great free themes that can keep you occupied.
Damn you free themes!

Back to facing facts. I didn't manage to finish one blog post in 4 years. Duh.
Looks like I tried to trick myself into getting to work by paying more for hosting. Didn't work that well, go figure.

I've a growing list of topics I'd like to write about. Not because I think I've anything worthwhile that I need to tell the world about. It's just because I want to write it down for myself. I want to sort out some of my thoughts and ideas about various things, because I feel like writing it down and reading it to myself would help me to better understand why I have certain opinions in the first place.
And I suppose, or rather I hope, that understanding myself better will help me get better at communicating my ideas, thoughts and opinions to others and maybe even help someone else improve and grow along the way.

I don't know if I will ever get into the habit of writing stuff down that occupies my mind and press publish regularly. But I want to try. I already failed at it, so there's nothing left to lose.

See you. 🤞