Hi, I'm Wolfgang

About Me

I'm a self-employed senior software engineer and architect, specializing in building robust web applications and engaging in spirited discussions about software architecture. Based in the heart of Europe, I call the charming city of Sankt Pölten, just west of Vienna, my home.

Since 2010 I've been self-employed, bringing over 20 years of experience in software development to my clients. My journey into the world of programming began at the age of five, captivated by the family business's Philips Yes computer and its impressive 10-megabyte external hard drive.

I graduated from a specialized Austrian vocational high school in 2002, which provided a solid technical foundation and sparked my enduring interest in technology and software development. Later, I attended University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg to study Software Design while working a full-time job, but paused my studies in 2011 to focus on my growing family and new business.

Throughout my career, I've worked with a variety of technologies, and after dabbling in Visual Basic, PHP, .NET (both Visual Basic and C#), Java, and embedded C for HSMs in banking applications, I found my niche with Ruby and Rails. Being a member of the Ruby community is something I greatly cherish and appreciate ever since.

I also have experience with maintaining IT infrastructure for small businesses and possess a solid understanding of design and typography for both print and web. In my spare time, I enjoy running, and experimenting with home automation and emerging technologies.

Books on My Reading List
Years in Software Engineering
Children (Proud Father of)
Sprinklers Left to Automate
Kilometers Run Last Year
Languages Spoken Fluently
Cat Named Álvaro
Blog Articles left to finish